CUB hire

What is the Comfortable Upright Birth (CUB) support?
The CUB is a comfortable, versatile, inflatable support designed to help mothers adopt and maintain positions that are physically the most helpful for them and their babies during labour and birth. When the mother is in an upright position it can help the baby to be in the best (easiest) position for birth, making more space within her pelvis than if she is semi sitting or lying on her back on a bed. Current research has shown that this can make labour shorter and giving birth easier as well as increase safety for the mother and her baby by reducing the risks of complications during birth.

The CUB can be used in late pregnancy to relieve the discomfort of pelvic girdle pain, throughout labour as a comfortable support, either to sit on, rest on or lean over as well as to give birth to the baby while utilising the CUB for support in the position the mother finds most useful to her. Being a Class 1 medical registered CE marked device, the CUB is suitable for use in maternity hospitals, birth centres or at home-births.

How can the CUB help me to have a natural birth?
Having a more effective, possibly shorter and easier birth with less chance of serious complications with an increased chance of a natural birth is better for you and better for the baby. Watch our CUB Animation to see how it works or have a look at the research references on our Research page.

What does the research say about upright birth?

  • Being upright during labour and birth can increase the space within your pelvis for your baby to be born by 28-30%

  • Your labour contractions can be more effective

  • Your baby will cope better with labour and birth and will be less distressed, 54% less incidence of fetal heart abnormalities

  • The length of the first stage of your labour, between 3-10 centimetres can be significantly reduced by up to 50%

  • A shorter second stage (pushing stage) of labour

  • You are 23% less likely to need a medically assisted birth. More space, less distress and a shorter labour results in fewer necessary intervention

  • You are 21% less likely to need an episiotomy which is a small cut to your perineum to increase the room for baby to be born

  • You have a 29% reduced chance of having an emergency Caesarean section

$200 partially refundable deposit.

From which is deducted a $20 weekly hire fee.

The unit must be returned complete and cleaned, or an 

CUB  hire
CUB positions.